Thursday 27 December 2012

Sam Magar on 3/12/12

Palestinian leaders are responsible for stunted economy

NOW that Palestine has been designated a UN non-member observer state, its leadership must show a willingness to engage with Israel and to advance the cause of its people.
For too long, the Palestinian Authority has behaved like a cantankerous adolescent refusing to accept responsibility for its plight. Blaming the Israeli occupation for the unfortunate predicament of all Palestinians obscures the reality.
The Palestinian leadership has been largely responsible for stunting development and economic growth within its jurisdiction and for not affording the many freedoms its people deserve. Palestinan Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and senior Palestinian officials must advance the cause of their people in a manner that reflects maturity and foresight.
Joel Feren, Elwood, Vic
AFTER the 138-9 UN vote on Palestine, it's obvious the world has called Israel's and the US's bluff on the doomsday scenario if anyone dared vote yes.
In contrast to Israel, where many people are seeking to move to another country, Palestinians are going nowhere. Israel's policies of perpetual occupation of the Palestinians' land and the denial of their basic human rights are damaging its standing.
The only alternative to a two-state solution is a one-state solution in which Palestinians in the West Bank, Gaza and Israel - together with the higher Palestinian birthrate - will make Israelis a minority in their own country.
Sam Magar, Winthrop, WA

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